Friday, January 22, 2016

Big Bad Girl with 303.

Miroslav Vlcek.

Big Bad Girl with 303 was hiding once
behind a tree.
She was dressed in Red
from her toes to her head.
Now Good Young Wolf
was going by.
Not knowing better - May oh May.
In the middle of forest clearing
Good Young Wolf had bad feeling.
But for his second thought was
way too late.
Because Big Bad Girl was shooting
Words of wisdom in this fairytale parody are.
Sometimes you just can't win.
And you could be deprived off your skin.
Well Big Bad Girl did kill
Good Young Wolfe dead.
With her 303 as I have said.
And as the legend goes
she left Good Young Wolfe's skinless torso
to Crows.
So Crows had very lovely feast
and Big Bad Girl was heading East.
She was from Big City
where Ladies like fur Coats.
And Gentlemen their big Cars
or to be sailing on their fancy Boats.
The End.

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