Sunday, January 31, 2016

Big Dude from Above.

Miroslav Vlcek.

Big Dude from above give to woman beauty
but he also said.
WOMAN beauty could be great curse for you
Do KEEP that KEEP that in your HEAD !
Big Dude from above give to woman beauty
and also whole bunch of compressed ugliness in small cute
amulet pouch.
And he said to woman.
WOMAN do never open this !
But you know WOMEN - OUCH.
And so.
Women are first Cuddly
then Deadly.
You must know what PMS
is all about.
And mouthy or pouty
Venus origin without any doubt.
And Sweet then Sour
this all will depend up on
the day and hour.
Or Cranky or Stubborn like a Donkey
you just never know when and how.
And first Cuddly then Deadly - - - -

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Evenk Spring.

Miroslav Vlcek.

On the reindeer through the Taiga
young Evenk woman is ridding slow.
Birch forest around her in every direction
have again that magic glow.
Snow is melting
sun is warmer.
Springtime is advancing everyday.
Reindeer are restless
more and more restless.
They are looking to the North
and sniffing air.
And songs of love are filling Taiga
from the Baikal to the Laptev Sea.
And all those feelings what were for so long
by hard winter and deep snow buried.
All of those feelings
are now free.
And there is more then just one song to sing
for young Evenk Woman in Evenk Spring.
Snow is melting - - - -

Friday, January 29, 2016

My Lakota Love.

Miroslav Vlcek.

This song lyrics are inspired by the traditional Lakota believes.
My Lakota Love when one day
I will be called up on to go
beyond the Milky Way.
Then remember me as I was
say my man had such a class.
He did loved me was doing his best
in land of our ancestors now.
He is getting his rest.
My Lakota Love please do not cry
when I will leave you
when I'll die.
Just remember our good times together
do not feel the pain.
And let me send you my best of love
in the Meteorite Rain.
Let me send you my best of love
in the Meteorite Rain.
My Lakota Love do always smile
show to the world your true beauty.
Man is born and man must die
it is his last duty.
Man is born and man must die
it is his last duty.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Singapore Blues.

Miroslav Vlcek.

Gambler in Old Part of Singapore
is playing dices.
In room filled with aroma
from all kinds of spices.
Put down your coin and play
hide from the heat of the day.
Play until your very last opponent
will say.
" This is enough for me ! "
Thai waitress in broken English
is luring some customer to buy a drink.
Rusty hair Sailor having no money
is selling his fake gold ring.
Put down - - - -
Ceiling fan did begun again working
but winnings are keep coming slow.
And Gambler as the master of his trade
must keep his profile low.
Put down - - - -
Put down - - - -
" This is enough for me ! "

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Here I am like a Broken Fool.

Miroslav Vlcek.

Park benches are all neglected
and covered in the snow.
No one is clearing icy sidewalks
for the lonely crow.
Trees are standing naked
but I am shivering.
And I am thinking about you and me
as we were in the Spring.
Then we always were together
and I even did get you a ring.   ( you even did get me - female vocals )
We were going to get married
have a children - and other thing.
You never made me waiting
you never turned me down.
Now here I am in Winter
here I am like a Clown.
I can not hear your laughter
I can not see your gorgeous face.  ( handsome - female vocals )
So here I am like a Broken Fool
in wrong time and in wrong place.
Here I am like a Broken Fool
in wrong time and in wrong place.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Fairytale Rock.

Miroslav Vlcek.
Someone was sitting on my chair
said in slight dismay mama Bear.
Did you washed your face
brushed your teeth and comb your hair ?
Fairytale Rock.
Key without a lock.
Yes and No
high or low.
Don't tell me twice !
Is that so ?
Fairytale Rock.
Someone was sleeping in my bed
said papa Bear scratching his head.
Sinking down like a
sack of lead.
Fairytale Rock. - - - -
Someone did mess up my whole room.
Said mama Bear holding her broom.
This whole house dose look like a
House of Doom.
Fairytale Rock. - - - -
Someone was Rocking in this Hall
spilled beer on to the floor
and wrote
Bear Junior on to the wall.
Left the stereo on full blast
and that is not all.
Fairytale Rock. - - - - 2x

Friday, January 22, 2016

Big Bad Girl with 303.

Miroslav Vlcek.

Big Bad Girl with 303 was hiding once
behind a tree.
She was dressed in Red
from her toes to her head.
Now Good Young Wolf
was going by.
Not knowing better - May oh May.
In the middle of forest clearing
Good Young Wolf had bad feeling.
But for his second thought was
way too late.
Because Big Bad Girl was shooting
Words of wisdom in this fairytale parody are.
Sometimes you just can't win.
And you could be deprived off your skin.
Well Big Bad Girl did kill
Good Young Wolfe dead.
With her 303 as I have said.
And as the legend goes
she left Good Young Wolfe's skinless torso
to Crows.
So Crows had very lovely feast
and Big Bad Girl was heading East.
She was from Big City
where Ladies like fur Coats.
And Gentlemen their big Cars
or to be sailing on their fancy Boats.
The End.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Pre - Computer Age Head.

Miroslav Vlcek.

I don't care about the Toxic E-mail
I am not on the Net.
And I am looking for Old Fashion Female
with the
Pre - Computer Age Head.
I am looking for Old Fashion Female
with the
Pre - Computer Age Head.
To me Mouse is just a Rodent
no fancy jargon please.
And Spam dose come to me in sandwiches
with lattice and cheese.
When it will come to the Hard Drive
then my old Chevy can do that well.
You will never see me Surfing
so what else is to tell ?
I don't care about - - - -
My Mail Address have the house number
with name of my Street and Town.
My understanding of Downloading is to
unload some lowad
down on to the ground.
Keyboard for me is just plank of wood
on what I can hang my keys.
Bottle of Whiskey dose take a care of my all
Now what more is there please ?
I don't care about - - - - 2x

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What is or is not for the best.

Miroslav Vlcek.

One time you said that you would leave me.
Good riddance I am wishing you well.
I did not know when or if time heal me
or how to get out from to be in under your spell.
One time you said that you would leave me.
Next thing I knew you were gone
difference from when you were near me.
Is in that I was left all alone.
Left all alone
and God only know.
When and how hard
will North Winds blow.
Left all alone
and God only know.
What is or is not for the best.
One time you said that you would leave me.
Next thing I knew you were gone
difference from when you were near me
is in that I was left all alone.
Left all alone - - - - 2x.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oh Promises Promises.

H.H. & Miroslav Vlcek.
Oh promises promises are easy to give
it is easy to give promises
when you can say - if.
He will promise you Mink Coat or Sable
Designers Clothes "n" green.
He'll say that he will always love you
and that he will treat you like a Queen.
Oh promises promises - - - -
And then he will have no time for you
like he had once before.
And he will want you to be true to him
by daily scrubbing the floor.
When it will come to the Royal Treatment
he'll be the King you'll be a Slave.
And he will keep on giving you promises
all the way to his grave.
Oh promises promises - - - -
Men loves to give promises. Oh promises promises.
Oh promises promises - - - -

Monday, January 18, 2016

Instant Baby.

Miroslav Vlcek.
In todays world they do have :
Instant Coffee - Mashed Potatoes
Instant Gravy.
And as long as they have no Instant Baby
everything is fine.
As long as they have no Instant Baby
everything is fine.
This is because :
Babes have to be brewed slowly
and then pampered for long long time !
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
And they also have :
Instant Pudding - Soup in Cup
ready for you in single snap.
But at the Babes it go
they should never have them so !
This is because :
Babes have to be seduced slowly
and then made love to for long long time !
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
Instant Money at the Bank Machine.
Instant Pleasure you do must know
what I mean.
Instant this - Instant that
Products what will make you to be
Instantly Hot.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

In the interests of Love.

Miroslav Vlcek.

You can send a email to your lovely female.
You too can easy call her on the telephone.
You can write her letter and I even know better.
You can fly to see her on the airplane.
And in near future with some luck you will be beamed up to her
like mister Spock.
Communicating in modern dating - changing and evolving
in the  interests of Love.
Changing and evolving
in the interests of LOVE.
And you can send her Chick Flick on DVD or in Video
or my latest CD to be played on her stereo.
You too can be a winner and order for her dinner
you can send her with it one dozen of red roses
in the crystal vase.
And in near future with some luck you will be beamed up to her
like mister Spock.
Communicating in moder dating - changing and evolving
in the interests of Love.
Changing and evolving
in the interests of Love.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Baby I need ya.

Miroslav Vlcek.

There were different theories about the earth's crust.
Scientists say that our Universe did begun in Big Blast.
And no one knows for certain when Ice Age was at it's peak.
But who would ever question - words that Lovers speak ?
Baby I need ya
I need ya so bad.
Baby ever since I have known ya
there is nothing else in my head.
I need ya - I need ya - I need ya.
And no one knows for certain why did Dinosaur did die.
Yes it may have been because some clouds of dust were covering the sky.
Some times for the sake of knowledge we will go and dig.
But who would ever question - words that Lovers speak ?
I need ya - I need ya - I need ya.
There were different theories about where was Troy.
Some people are still looking for the Atlantis - oh boy.
And no one knows for certain who came up with Saint Nick.
But who would ever question - words that Lovers speak ?
I need ya - I need ya - I need ya.