Sunday, October 15, 2017

Ai Shiteru.

Miroslav Vlcek
I am reaching to my Shinto Shrine
walking in under Torii of dreams 

and my desires of you.
 Leaving all my fears and burdens of
life way behind.
And finely
when sweet smell of cherry blossoms
when sweet smell of cherry blossoms
will start attracting a bees.
I will tell you
listen ro me please.
I need to tell you
ai shiteru.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

I go 4 love.

( open 4 collaboration )
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2017
I am not - I am not - I am not
I am not stupid
I go for - I go for
I go for Cupid
I am not stupid I go for Cupid
I go for Love.
Our world seems to be full of hate
there are many issues to debate.
I am not stupid I go for Cupid
I go for Love.
( spoken )
I don't like gays not because I am homophobic
but because like a neglected youngster I was abused
by the pedophile.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mui and I.


(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2017. ( open for collaboration)
Mui did wanted to be an Yisang ( doctor )
She was smart and I knew that she will be.
We did used to go pick up jasmine blossoms.
to the Buddhist Temple.
And then sun dried them for out tea.
 Kinggai. ( talking to each other ).
And I did wanted to be an Dragon
and have a Kung Fu fight.
with whole bunch of bad guys.
On some dark and stormy night.
Then I would meet pretty girl in our
favorite teahouse
and merry her in one year.
Those used to be such a careless years
I wish that they would be still here.
Those used to be such a careless years
how I wish
that they would be still here.
( dialing on telephone )
( telephone ringing )( female voice )
( answering machine ) in English
leave your message say few words
and I will return your call
I am sorry that I am not around
 thank you
that is all.
( man voice )
Weii - Mui I know that you have very busy practice
and so it is very hard for me to reach you at home.
But I was just thinking about you and decided to call
anyway. I will call again in more better time
bye bye

Monday, January 2, 2017

Year of the Rooster.

by Miroslav Vlcek.en
= = = = = = = =

Year of the Rooster
will give you booster.
It will uplift you as every other
gorgeous Asian girl.