Sunday, February 14, 2016

In Residential School.

Miroslav Vlcek.

Sister Marry was teaching us with the ruler
so like a children
we did learned most of pain.
And Brother John went one step further.
Brother John was teaching
with his brutal cane.
In Residential School - in Residential School.
And Nuns and Brothers were eating good
but what they did fed us
did taste like a wood.
Our Native language was a sin
no it was not easy
to be in.
In Residential School - in Residential School.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hastins Street Reggae.

Miroslav Vlcek.
I am sitting at the Starbucks on the Hasings Street
my fingers are tapping in the Reggae beat.
Reggae - Reggae - Reggae
is what they play.
Reggae - Reggae - Reggae
from the Sirius Satellite Radio
they say.
I am watching good looking girls walking bye
up and down
on both sides of the street.
They too all seems to  be moving
in the Reggae beat.
Reggae - Reggae - Reggae - - - -
I am sitting at the Starbucks and I am feeling
Good looking girls Starbucks coffee and
Did put me in good mood.
Reggae - Reggae - Reggae - - - -

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Miroslav Vlcek.

You said that you were bounced by waves of deceptions
when you were surfing.
And that I did lead you out and did take you home.
www dot I am crazy about you dot com.
www dot I am crazy about you dot com.
You said that Net is full of Sickos
who are infecting the Cyber Dome.
www dot I am crazy about you dot com.
www dot I am crazy about you dot com.
You also said that you want to trust me
because you need someone to trust.
And you did ask me if I can love you ?
And I said.
Hey my Freeky Geeky Baby
if I am crazy about you I must.
If I am  crazy about you
I must !

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Velice Krasne Vspominky & This Cathedral is for Lovers.

Miroslav Vlcek.
Jaro 1968 byla pro mne jednou z nejkrasnejsich dob meho zivota.
Hanka Z chodila na konzervu u Staromaku. Ja na ni cekaval pred vchodem kde mi vzdy predala sve botky na steparinu. No a my pote kracely do Tynskyho Chramu kde nam v kancelari predaly dva dlouhe masivni zelezne klice na zeleznem kruhu.
Pote za cinkotu tech klicu sme se zacaly odebirat uzkou ulickou od Sataromaku z jejihoz zdiva bylo mozne citit stoleti.
Nakonec sme dosly ke staremu chramu do ktereho sme se uzavrely - Hanka cvicila mimo jine na piano v mistnosti s nenahraditelnou akustikou no a zivot byl kouzelny.
Uplynulo nekolik let no a v osumdesatych letech sem zil v Kanade kde sem se stal clenem PRO - CAN - dnesni SOCAN sesterni organizace vasi OSA.
Jeden rok sme mely konferenci u nas ve Vancouveru. Na ktere sem se seznamil s jednou velice atraktivni blondynou se jmenem Maureen. Po konferenci sme se rozhodly jit s Maureen na kafe no a ona po me chtela abych ji neco rekl o Praze. No a tak teda ja ji vypravel o te dobe co sme chodily s Hankou do svatyho Havla. Maureen ma vyzvala k tomu abych o tom napsal pisnicku no a ze ona ji natoci. - No a tak se tomu stalo,
This Cathedral is for Lovers.
music - Maureen Ahern.
lyrics - Miroslav Vlcek.

There is a strong smell of incense in the hollow chambers.
They claim that Almighty is near to you in here.
And everywhere is darkness
sun can not reach true.
This Cathedral is for Lovers
so this is why I am in here with you.
This Cathedral is for Lovers
so give me one more kiss.
This Cathedral is for Lovers
I am telling you it is.
Twelve Apostles are  looking down
on your lovely face.    ( handsome - female vocals )
I am so glad to be here with you
in this most unlikely place.
And if you need a blessing
I will gladly give you one.
I am far from Preacher  ( you are far - female vocals )
and you are not a Nun,  ( and I am not - female vocals )
This Cathedral is - - - -