Tuesday, November 24, 2015

72 Panen - od Miroslava Vlcka.

72 Panen velky palac no a kdo vi
co vic ?
Allah ti da po smrti tve
rikal mu.
Imam - Otec a i Stryc.
( Brainwashing )
Rahim ctel mit sveho kone
a pouze s jednou divkou ze sousedstvi
chtel travit svou noc.
Po palaci plnem panen
netouzil tak moc.
72 Panen - - - - ( Brainwashing )
Rahim se ucil cist svuj Koran
v poly makovic.
A kseftovat s paseraky
pod celtou u hranic.
72 Panen - - - - ( Brainwashing )
Rahim dostal svuj prvni samopal
kdyz mu bylo pet.
Sedum let pote mu bylo predurceno
opusit nas svet.
72 Panen - - - - ( Brainwashing )
Rahim polozil svuj zivot
pro slavu Islamu.
Ce se s nim stalo na onom svete ?
Vsak nestoji v Koranu.
72 Panen - - - - ( Brainwashing )

Sunday, November 22, 2015

72 Virgins - by ; Miroslav Vlcek.

72 Virgins great palace and much more
Allah will reward you with
My Son
behind a heavens door.
( Brainwashing )
Rahim did want to have his own horse
few goats and few sheep.
Wish for great palace full of virgins
was for him way too steep.
72 Virgins - - - - ( Brainwashing )
Rahim was learning to read his Koran
in the poppies field.
Growth in his faith did not depend up on
how much that field did yield.
72 Virgins - - - - ( Brainwashing )
Rahim did get his first machine gun
when he was just five.
Seven years after he was called up on
to give up his life.
72 Virgins - - - - ( Brainwashing )